Jul 16, 2022 | Abortion and Healing, Adoption, Christian Life, Forgiveness, Image of God, Sanctity of Life
As a public speaker, I often share my story of having had an abortion as a teenager and finding hope and healing through God’s love and forgiveness. I’ve spoken to countless men and women who wrestle with the view held among abortion rights supporters that a woman’s...
Jan 22, 2022 | Abortion and Healing, Poems, Sanctity of Life
Thirty-five years ago, I lost my only child to abortion. When I read of the increasing “celebration” of abortion in our world today, I am so grieved that I simply have no words. But then I remember a time when God did give me words, soul-searching words of grief for...
May 9, 2021 | Abortion and Healing, Poems, Sanctity of Life
❤️ I’ll never forget the child I never knew ❤️ Certain days of the year, such as Sanctity of Life Sunday and Mother’s Day, are not always easy for me. Memories of “what could have been” come to the surface. Regret for poor choices that can never be undone. Today, my...
May 8, 2021 | Abortion and Healing, Sanctity of Life
When God has a Different Plan There is perhaps no mom more famous than Mary, the mother of Jesus. Though Jesus’s conception was unlike any other, like all moms, Mary had hopes and dreams for her child. What he would be like; how he would make a difference in the...
Jan 22, 2020 | Abortion and Healing, Sanctity of Life
I recently saw a bumper sticker that read, “The Ten Commandments Are Not Multiple Choice.” Wouldn’t it be nice if we could pick and choose? After all, who doesn’t want to have their cake and eat it too? We Deceive Ourselves However, when it comes to...
Jan 13, 2019 | Abortion and Healing, Forgiveness, Sanctity of Life
Is abortion an unforgivable sin? Have you ever wondered if abortion is an unforgivable sin? Perhaps, like me, you have abortion in your past. If you are a Christian, you may even feel an even heavier burden of guilt and shame. While it is true that all sin breaks...