“Shadia captivated us!”
“Her curiosity and excitement
is contagious!”
“Brought tears to my eyes.”
Bring Shadia to Your Event
Shadia Hrichi is a passionate Bible teacher, award-winning author, and speaker who stirs the hearts and minds of her audience through personal story, illustration, and her unwavering confidence in the authority of God’s Word.
She holds a master’s in biblical and theological studies as well as a master’s in criminal justice. Shadia is the author of several Bible studies, including RAHAB, TAMAR, HAGAR, LEGION, and WORTHY OF LOVE and the recipient of the 2022 WCCW “God’s Word is Alive” Award. Residing in northern California, Shadia is often invited to speak at churches, conferences, women’s retreats and other events, and loves to visit the ocean each week for “a date with Jesus.”
Watch Some Clips!
Mount Hermon Women’s Retreat
Cathedral of Faith Women’s Event
Private Women’s Weekend Retreat
Teaching at Venture Christian Church
Faculty: WCCW Writers Conference

Types of Events
Shadia is a passionate Bible teacher whose love for God’s Word and courage in sharing her own stories have blessed countless audiences all over the country.
See topic descriptions below of her most requested presentations. Shadia will also customize a presentation for your event.
Venues / Events:
- Conferences
- Women’s Events and Retreats
- Sanctity of Life Events
- Bible Study Kick-off/Wrap-up
- Small Group “Zooming with Shadia“
- Staff/Leadership Retreats
- Faculty for Writers Conferences
- Guest Instructor / Workshop Presenter
Popular Topics
click topic for details
BOLD FAITH: Rahab's Story is Our Story
Step into the fascinating story of Rahab, a former Canaanite prostitute, who who witnessed no miracles, knew none of God’s laws. She merely heard of God’s power – and believed.
In this lively, power-packed series, you will:
- Be inspired by Rahab’s bold and courageous faith
- Explore the fascinating (and surprising) theological significance of Rahab’s story
- Rediscover the heartbeat of the Bible: God’s passionate pursuit of His adulterous bride
Friend: Rahab’s story is our story. CLICK HERE for sharable PDF.
Customized for your event; 1 to 4 sessions. This uplifting series is perfect for women’s retreats and events, church events, and conferences.
Shadia spoke at our church’s Girls Night Out event and the ladies loved her! Shadia is a terrific speaker! – Francine Rivers, international best-selling author
PURPOSE: Yes! God Sees You!
Have you ever felt like crying out, “God, do you see me?”
Then the story of Hagar is sure to touch your heart. It’s found in the book of Genesis and has all the ingredients of a Hollywood tragedy: betrayal, loss, abuse, crisis pregnancy, abandonment . . . but her story doesn’t end there. In fact, she emerges victorious!
In this inspiring, hope-filled series, you will:
- Experience a fresh encounter with the “God Who Sees Me”
- Explore fascinating (and surprising) insights into Hagar’s story
- Discover how God uses your trials and triumphs to draw you closer to Himself
Is the enemy using anything in your past to try to derail you from God’s plan? Be assured, that is not how your story will end! CLICK HERE for sharable PDF.
Shadia’s messages are engaging, life-giving, transforming and the scriptures come alive! – Shelley Wilson, Women’s Pastor at Cathedral of Faith, San Jose, CA
Customized for your event; 1 to 4 sessions. This inspiring series is perfect for retreats, women’s events, single moms groups, and missions/evangelism conferences.
OVERCOMER: Your Story; God's Glory
If God can choose the Canaanite Tamar – twice widowed, childless, then used as a prostitute – to continue the line through which Christ would come, can anything keep Him from weaving your story into His redemptive plan? In this series, you will:
- Explore the faith of Tamar, whose bold actions helped secure the promised line of Judah
- Celebrate God’s loving plan to adopt you into His eternal, covenant family
- Marvel at God’s power to weave your life’s twists and turns, sins and failures into His glorious redemptive story
CLICK HERE for sharable PDF. Customized for your event; 1 to 4 sessions. Ideal for women’s retreats, church and women’s events, missions conferences and more.
VICTORY: Rise Up! It's Not Over!
When it seems like our world is swirling out of control, God calls us to Rise Up!
This power-packed series centers on the victory we have through Christ who conquered sin, Satan, and death. No matter how things look on the outside, it’s not over because God’s Word assures us that, “he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4). Based on the most captivating rescue story in the New Testament: the chained becomes a champion for Christ! CLICK HERE for sharable PDF.
In this series, you will:
- Rediscover the power and beauty of God’s Rescuing Love
- Step into one of the most fascinating, yet under-appreciated gospel rescue stories
- Rekindle your joy for God’s Gift of Rest
- A refreshing reminder of Sabbath’s design and purpose (plus practical tips)
- Reignite your hope in God’s Promise to Reign
- Living boldly in light of the hope of Christ’s Return
Asking Shadia to keynote our women’s retreat was a tremendous blessing as she sparked a Holy Spirit fire with her topic, Rise up! It’s Not Over! We loved Shadia’s unique and relatable approach. She tied in life application along with her humorous and personable style. Shadia is a gem. Be sure to book her (and her sidekick, Skipper) for your next women’s event! – Cherie Denna, Retreat Coordinator, Evangelical Covenant Church, Pacific Southwest Conference
CLICK HERE for sharable PDF. Customized for your event; 1 to 4 sessions. This inspiring series is perfect for women’s retreats, conferences, church and mission events, and more.
SABBATH: A Burden or a Gift?
Our lives move fast every single day. We stay up late and get up early. The hustle and bustle is the backdrop of our lives…and the tempo never seems to let up.
So how do we break away from our busy schedule to rest? How can we find the peace of God our hearts crave? What is our heavenly Father telling us in the midst of all this?
In this series, you will:
- Explore God’s original design for rest (it’s not what you think!)
- Gain Practical Tips for planning a “Sabbath Date with Jesus”
- Reignite your joy for ministry, for life, and for God!
CLICK HERE for sharable PDF. Customized for your event; 1 to 3 sessions. This encouraging series is perfect for women’s events and retreats, conferences, church and mission events, and more.
PRAYER: Six Steps to Powerful Prayer
When we face challenging circumstances, we are often tempted to act first and pray last, but Scripture teaches us another way. King Hezekiah’s masterful prayer offers us a powerful, yet practical framework when facing the enemy or a challenge.
Six Verses. Six Principles. Six Practical steps.
In this series, you will:
- Embrace God’s invitation to come to Him in both boldness and reverence
- Be challenged to approach prayer with a desire to see God glorified
- Celebrate “success” in answered prayer within the context of God’s sovereign purposes
CLICK HERE for sharable PDF. Customized for your event; 1 to 3 sessions. Ideal for staff retreats, church and women’s events, or any prayer-themed event.
Your audience will be blessed by Shadia’s Christmas message as she combines inspirational biblical teaching with powerful personal testimony. Re-experience the Christmas story through a fresh lens and find your passion to share the Good News reignited!
Perfect for a Christmas event (can also be a great fit for evangelistic-themed events).
SANCTITY OF LIFE: Fundraisers and Events
Once at risk for being aborted as her parents wrestled with an unplanned pregnancy, and then losing her own child to abortion at age 15, Shadia knows the heartache of abortion firsthand. Twenty-five years after her tragic choice, God opened her eyes to the child she had lost in the most miraculous way. As only God can, He has used her gripping story to capture the hearts of audiences around the country as she shares, from personal experience, God’s love, faithfulness, and power of redemption.
Shadia’s story has been featured on the Human Coalition podcast (formally “Online For Life” Listen Here), KFAX Radio (Listen Here), and elsewhere. Her story serves as the foundation for her Bible study, Worthy of Love: A Journey of Hope and Healing After Abortion, endorsed by Brian Fisher of Human Coalition, Georgette Forney of Silent No More, numerous pregnancy center directors, and many others.
Having also served on the Board of Directors for RealOptions Pregnancy Medical Clinics for many years, Shadia is passionate for speaking at pregnancy center fundraisers and other Sanctity of Life events.
“One of the best post-abortion personal stories I’ve read, and I’ve read a lot of them.” – Georgette Forney, Co-Founder of Silent No More
Download a FREE Copy of Shadia’s story HERE.
“Shadia’s heart for Christ and her vulnerability and honesty in sharing her story drew us in and reminded us of the redemptive and powerful love of God. In addition to being a powerful speaker, Shadia was an absolute joy to work with from our first contact all the way through the event. Having Shadia participate in your event will be an incredible blessing and will lead to hearts and lives being impacted for God’s glory!” – Sara Burris, Executive Director, Island Pregnancy Care Clinics Langley, WA
“God blessed us with your message of encouragement and the largest banquet donation amount to date. Thank you!” – Amanda Weglinski, PRC Board President
Watch clip from keynote:
“A true story of death turned to life.” -Theresa Ingram, Mentor, Speaker, and Wife of Pastor and Author Chip Ingram
WRITERS CONFERENCES: Keynote and/or Workshops
Shadia has served on faculty for various Christian Writers conferences over the years and provides workshops, coaching and other resources for aspiring authors. Shadia is available to serve as:
- Writers Conference Keynote Speaker
- Major Track/Series Presenter: Writing Bible Studies
In addition, Shadia offers a variety of individual writers workshops, including:
- Am I Ready to Write a Bible Study?
- Outline Your Bible Study in 10 Easy Steps
- 7 Essential Elements of a Transformational Bible Study
- 10 Steps to Write a Compelling Query Letter
- From Page to Stage: Transforming Text into Talks that Touch Hearts
- Who Are Beta Readers and Why Do I Need Them?
- Biblical Accuracy: Not just for Scholars
In addition to serving as event speaker, Shadia offers a variety of workshops/breakout sessions to enhance your event. (For writers conferences workshops, see the Writers Conferences tab).
Workshops/Breakout Sessions include:
- How to Plan a Sabbath Date with Jesus
- 7 Fresh Ideas to Kick-Start Your Quiet Times
- Let’s Play Bible Trivia!
- A Day in the Life of an Author (Ask Me Anything 🙂
- From Page to Stage: Transforming Text into Talks that Touch Hearts
Customized For Your Event
- Already have a theme in mind?
- A Bible verse or topic?
- Need to brainstorm some ideas?
Let’s arrange a time to talk about your event and how I can best serve your audience.
Workshop: Truth About Abortion
Through this interactive workshop, participants will:
- Uncover common misconceptions about abortion
- Gain compassion and understanding for those wounded by abortion
- Learn how to compassionately and Biblically respond to common justifications for abortion
Additional segments for pastors and ministry leaders:
- Why teaching sexual purity is not enough
- Practical sermon ideas for teaching on sanctity of life
- Be equipped to respond to crisis pregnancy and minister to those wounded by abortion
Customized for your event; 1 to 3 sessions. Suited for programs and events seeking to inform and encourage participants on this challenging topic. I am also available to participate in panel discussions.
Let’s chat about your next event!
Full Bio
A passionate Bible teacher, award-winning author, and speaker, Shadia Hrichi has a heart for seeing lives transformed by the power of God’s Word. Having experienced many heartbreaks, including abortion, date rape, divorce, and more, she captures the hearts of her audience as she illustrates, through personal experience, God’s love, faithfulness, and power of redemption. Shadia has received a master’s in Biblical and Theological Studies from Western Seminary as well as a master’s in Criminal Justice from the State University of New York.
Shadia is the author of several Bible studies, including:
- RAHAB: Rediscovering the God Who Saves Me, endorsed by Christy Award-winning author Robin Lee Hatcher, best-selling author Francine Rivers, and many others
- TAMAR: Rediscovering the God Who Redeems Me, winner of two literary awards, and endorsed by best-selling authors Liz Curtis-Higgs, Francine Rivers, and many others
- LEGION: Rediscovering the God Who Rescues Me, endorsed by Dr. Phyllis Bennett, New York Times best-selling authors Francine Rivers and Susy Flory, and others
- HAGAR: Rediscovering the God Who Sees Me, endorsed by Bible Study Magazine (Faithlife/Logos Bible software), Foud Masri (founder of Crescent Project), along with many others.
- Worthy of Love: A Journey of Hope and Healing After Abortion is endorsed by Georgette Forney (co-founder of Silent No More) and Brian Fisher (President of Human Coalition), and is being used by pregnancy centers, churches, and ministries throughout the US and Canada.
In 2022, Shadia received the WCCW “God’s Word is Alive” Award for excellence in writing Bible studies that bring the Bible to life in a unique way along with taking second place in the AWSA Bible Study of the Year Award for her study on TAMAR.
Whether serving as a keynote, retreat speaker, or workshop presenter, Shadia stirs the hearts and minds of her audiences through personal story, illustration, and the power of God’s Word. Shadia’s desire to see God’s people live courageously in light of eternity is simply contagious. In addition to writing and speaking, Shadia has served on faculty for a number of Christian Writers conferences and provides workshops, coaching and other resources for aspiring authors. Currently residing in northern California, Shadia loves to visit the ocean each week for “a date with Jesus.”
Headshots for Events
click the image to download

Shelley Wilson
Women’s Pastor at Cathedral of Faith, San Jose, CA
Shadia is an anointed teacher, author, and speaker. Her messages are engaging, life-giving, transforming and the scriptures come alive in and through her experientially. If you have an opportunity to have her minister at one of your events people will leave differently than when they came. She is transparent about her journey of faith and a true joy to have in the room.

Cherie Denna,
Retreat Coordinator, Evangelical Covenant Church, Pacific Southwest Conference
Asking Shadia to keynote our 2022 annual women’s fall retreat was a tremendous blessing to our ladies as we bounced back from the pandemic. She sparked a Holy Spirit fire with her topic, Rise up! It’s Not Over! We loved Shadia’s unique and relatable approach. She tied in life application along with her humorous and personable style. God made a few divine appointments, which topped off the weekend with a sense of purpose. Shadia is a gem. Be sure to book her (and her sidekick, Skipper) for your next women’s event!

Lisa Swaney
Women's Pastor/Community Life Director, Sebastopol Christian Church, Sebastopol, CA
Shadia spoke at our Fall Women’s event and brought a fresh perspective on the life of HAGAR. Her compassion and sympathy for a woman who felt unseen by others, came through loud and clear as she shared from her own experiences of feeling ill-treated and unseen. Her passion and confidence in God seeing ALL of us as whole and loved and complete in Him was shared beautifully! We look forward to having her back!

Francine Rivers
International best-selling author
Shadia spoke at our church’s Girls Night Out event and the ladies loved her! After her introduction to the study (we are starting her study on HAGAR), Shadia did a Q & A. I love these because you have an opportunity to get to know the speaker on a more personal basis. One group bought a case of books. I’m ordering more for our home group as well. Shadia is a terrific speaker!

Cheri Gregory
Shadia has a genuine zeal for God and passion for His Word.
Her curiosity and excitement are contagious!

Debbie Kelly
Women's Ministry Director, Willow Glen Bible Church
“Shadia captivated us! Her deep and thorough study into the life of Hagar coupled with her own story and engaging delivery gave us a clearer understanding of Hagar’s story. And in doing so, a better understanding of our own stories and encouragement to trust God even in the most despairing of times. Shadia is a lovely and authentic women of God!”

Debbie Croft
Executive Director, Alpha Pregnancy Help Center - Merced, CA
Shadia is not only a student of the Word and in love with her Savior, her warmth and enthusiasm overflow so beautifully as she speaks of God’s power and grace. She was a delight to work with for our virtual Gala – Then this year we invited her back to speak at our staff retreat, and our team loved her! Shadia is beautiful inside and out.

Sara Burris
Executive Director, Island Pregnancy Care Clinics Langley, WA
Shadia’s heart for Christ and her vulnerability and honesty in sharing her story drew us in and reminded us of the redemptive and powerful love of God. In addition to being a powerful speaker, Shadia was an absolute joy to work with from our first contact all the way through the event. Having Shadia participate in your event will be an incredible blessing and will lead to hearts and lives being impacted for God’s glory!

Karin Aitken
Women's Ministry Event Planner - Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church
Our deep thanks to Shadia for her wonderful day of teaching and sharing the word of the Lord. She is eloquent and very easy to follow and understand. She was well received by the ladies and we are looking for an encore next year with another teaching at our next conference. Praise the Lord and glory to HIM.
Cindy Beede
Pastor's Wife - Santa Ynez Valley Presbyterian Church
We were abundantly blessed by Shadia at our women’s retreat. Her transparency and Biblical knowledge were evident in each of her talks. I especially loved the Q & A at the end, as we got to know Shadia more deeply with her heartfelt, honest replies to everyone’s questions. (We look forward to having her return next year!)

Paulette Bald
Women's Ministry Leader, First Baptist Church Jeffersontown, KY
Shadia spoke to the hearts of our Women’s Ministry; she didn’t speak as a teacher, an author or as a speaker. She spoke to us as our “Sister.” We call her “friend.

Rita Chang
Women's Ministry Leader, Living Hope Community Church
You are an answer to our prayers – your story, your teaching and your dramatization of Hagar and Sarah led the women to the feet of Jesus. I praise God for what He has done in your life and how He is using you!