Jul 16, 2022 | Abortion and Healing, Adoption, Christian Life, Forgiveness, Image of God, Sanctity of Life
As a public speaker, I often share my story of having had an abortion as a teenager and finding hope and healing through God’s love and forgiveness. I’ve spoken to countless men and women who wrestle with the view held among abortion rights supporters that a woman’s...
Mar 21, 2021 | Character of God, Forgiveness, Sacrifice
It never fails. No matter what the construction project, no job is ever finished until the completion of the Punch List. A list of mistakes and imperfections that must be corrected because they fail to conform to the architect’s vision. Historically, on construction...
Apr 12, 2020 | Eternity & Heaven & Hell, Forgiveness, Sacrifice
Have you ever forgiven a loved one who wronged you and said they were sorry? It’s difficult, but to save the relationship, often we find it in our heart to forgive – especially if the other person is sincerely sorry. But how about the person who wrongs you and is not...
Jun 19, 2019 | Character of God, Evil & Satan & Sin, Forgiveness
All of us remember that friend in school who took meticulous notes (maybe it was you!). I confess that I’m part nerd. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy reading the gospel of Luke. Luke was a physician who kept careful notes. As a result, his gospel is rich in...
Jan 13, 2019 | Abortion and Healing, Forgiveness, Sanctity of Life
Is abortion an unforgivable sin? Have you ever wondered if abortion is an unforgivable sin? Perhaps, like me, you have abortion in your past. If you are a Christian, you may even feel an even heavier burden of guilt and shame. While it is true that all sin breaks...
Aug 1, 2017 | Character of God, Evil & Satan & Sin, Forgiveness, Suffering
Prior to becoming a Christian, Pretty Woman had been one of my favorite movies. It had glamor, action, drama, and a girl’s tried-and-true favorite: rescue by a knight in shining armor. Perhaps the most memorable line in the movie is when Richard Gere (Edward Lewis,...