Jan 2, 2020 | Character of God, Christian Life, Fear & Doubt
What Are You Afraid of? The future? Death? Losing your job? Losing your home? I’ll never forget the year when I sensed God had pulled the rug right out from under my feet. In a span of only 30 days, I lost a job I loved, had to sell my home, the sweet little dog...
May 9, 2019 | Evangelism, Fear & Doubt, Follow Christ (Count the Cost)
Recently, I had a new front door installed on my home. Upon inspecting the door, the contractor asked if I wanted a peephole installed. He assured me it would only take a few extra minutes. While he was busy drilling the hole, I made a quick run to Home Depot to...
May 16, 2018 | Fear & Doubt, Patience, Surrender
“Ha! We took bets on whether you could color outside the lines – the resounding answer was NO.” That was my friend’s response after seeing my first masterpiece. It happened when I was home with the flu. My Bible study group kindly brought me groceries. Actually,...
Jan 12, 2016 | Abortion and Healing, Fear & Doubt, Forgiveness
I once heard someone say, “There’s a difference between forgiveness and healing,” but it wasn’t until God led me on a twenty-five year journey that I finally understood the profound truth of those words. Today, many women still suffer in silence. Even, perhaps...