RISEN: Movie Review (NOTE: SPOILER ALERT) A friend and I went to see the movie Risen when it was released in theaters.
What is the movie Risen about? The movie is a fictional account of how the resurrection of Jesus Christ might be seen through the eyes of a Roman soldier. Clavius is a battle-weary military officer who took part in Jesus’s crucifixion. In this regard, the movie is quite unique. The filmmakers do a terrific job in character and plot development, as well as visual effects. Further, the actors provide a compelling performance. Overall, I found the movie inspiring and enjoyable.
Is RISEN a Christian Movie?
Biblical (In) Accuracy
Is the Risen movie based on Bible? While I understand the need for creative license and recognize this is a fictional account, there are some scenes that clearly go against Scripture. One of the more obvious is the portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute when in fact, she had been demon-possessed (Luke 8:1-2).
Is Risen historically accurate?
For years, this inaccurate description of Mary has been passed along, whereas even a brief examination of Scripture would expose the error. Nevertheless, the movie presents the beauty of a transformed life. The message of the gospel is centered on God’s unconditional love which transforms us so that we are never the same again. Near the end of the movie, we see a truly touching scene where Jesus heals a diseased-ridden leper. It’s too bad that the scene is placed after the Lord’s resurrection. One of the primary purposes for Jesus repeatedly displaying His power to heal prior to the resurrection was in order to prove that He was Who He claimed to be: the Son of God who came to give His life for the sin of the world. His resurrection, rather than a man healed of physical disease, is meant to serve as final proof of that claim.
The Miracles Prove Jesus Was Who He Said He Was
Jesus said, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works [miracles] themselves.” (John 14:10-11 ESV)
The miracle of the resurrection was the miracle of all miracles. If that did not convince someone that Jesus was Who He said He was, nothing would. This is not to say that Jesus does not still heal today. He certainly does! However, during the time Jesus was physically on the earth, His miracles served a primary purpose: To prove He was Who He claimed to be. The resurrection being the greatest proof of all. There are a few other curious scenes in the movie as well, such as the image on Jesus’s face cloth.
Yet overall, Risen beautifully captures the message that the love of Jesus extends to everyone – even those who took part in nailing Him to the Cross. This is truly a precious reminder because the fact of the matter is that we all took part. The Bible teaches, “[Jesus] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.“ (1 John 2:2 NIV)
Is Risen a good film?
In summary, Risen is entertaining and thought-provoking. If it piques the interest of viewers to explore the Bible for themselves, then it has done its job.
- Rating for entertainment and quality: 4 of 5 stars
- Rating for Biblical accuracy: 2.5 of 5 star
“He is not here; He has risen, just as He said!” Hallelujah!
Frequently Asked Questions About RISEN
Is Risen on Netflix? Not at the time this review was posted.
Who made Risen? See the IMDB data here
How long is the Risen movie? 1 hr 47 min
Is Risen family-friendly? See the Plugged In review here
What is Risen rated? PG-13
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An Interview with God Movie Review
Shadia is a passionate Bible teacher, author, and speaker who has a heart for seeing lives transformed by the power of God’s Word. She holds a master’s in biblical and theological studies from Western Seminary and is the author of several books and Bible studies, including TAMAR, HAGAR, and LEGION and is currently writing a new study. Sign up for updates to learn more about her next study!
It is too bad that the Biblical accounts were not followed more closely. I have read The Case For Christ, The Case For Faith, and am now reading The Case For The Resurrection – – all written by Lee Strobel, who was once an Atheist. His background is journalism undergraduate degree and Master’s Degree in Law from Yale. He was formerly a journalist for the Chicago Tribune as a reporter on legal issues. His work is very thorough and quite convincing that Jesus is/was who he said he is/was. I was already a Christian before the read but this strengthened by faith considerably.
Thank you for your comments, T. Kent. Praise the Lord for the many things He uses to strengthen and encourage our faith. To Him be all the glory!
I was not aware Mary of Magdalene as a prostitutes’ character had been changed, good to know and can’t wait to talk with you more about this.
Blessings, Kami. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. When I saw Mary M portrayed as a prostitute, the movie lost credibility for me. Nevertheless, I found the movie touching from the Centurion’s perspective, but because of some of the violations of Scripture, I could not endorse it as being biblically sound. However, it is a fictional story, and overall, I thought it was well done.