Years ago, some friends talked me into joining them for several weeks of salsa lessons. It was the first time I’d danced where women and men had distinct roles. The men would lead and the women would follow.

Growing up as a woman in modern-day America, it was almost ingrained in my psyche that women should not be subjected to man’s dominance. But as I came to enjoy the complimentary dance roles of leader and follower, and considered how God desires to lead us, I began to think that many of us (both men and women) have mistakenly equated leading with dominance, to our own detriment.

A Guiding Hand

In ballroom dancing, the main purpose of the man is to empower the woman to express beauty, elegance, and grace. Through dancing, they aim to wow their audiences. The man’s primary role is to continuously survey their surroundings, determine their course, and confidently guide the woman. He does this by applying gentle pressure with his hand against her back. The woman cannot fully see where the man is leading her. It is the man’s guiding hand that frees her from the fear of colliding. Free from anticipating danger, the woman can yield herself to the enchanting beauty of the music.

I will never forget one particular dance partner. He repeatedly failed to keep his hand strong and purposeful on my back. I found myself continuously looking over my shoulder in fear we might crash. Why? Because I could not trust a guide whose presence and confidence was lacking. It felt like I was dancing blind. But when I was paired with a man who confidently took the lead, careful to guide and protect my steps, I felt safe and secure in his arms. Finally, I was free to enjoy the dance.

Letting God Lead

Likewise, God desires to lead us. He does this not in order to exercise dominance over us, but to free us to express the dignity and grace He intended for us from the beginning. In turn, when we yield ourselves to His loving lead, embracing our God-given roles, we more accurately reflect His beauty and grace back onto a fearful, lost, and colliding world.

Jesus warns us in Matthew 15:14 to beware of leaders who exercise religious dominance but reject the truth, “They are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

Instead, when we yield our lives to a loving, all-wise, all-knowing God, we are free to become all that God intended us to be. We are confident He can lead us there because we have learned to trust in His unfailing Presence, Goodness, and Faithfulness.

“You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me…If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.” Psalm 139:5, 9-10

Shadia is a passionate Bible teacher, award-winning author and speaker who has a heart for seeing lives transformed by the power of God’s Word. She holds a master’s in biblical and theological studies from Western Seminary and is author of several books and Bible studies, including TAMAR, HAGAR, LEGION, and Worthy of Love. Be sure to connect with Shadia HERE so that you’ll be among the first to hear about her next study!

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