Jun 20, 2024 | Follow Christ (Count the Cost), Idolatry, Surrender
I asked my friend, “How did you get in?” A sly smile crept over her face, “Well, I couldn’t find any doors or windows, so I climbed over the wall.” Her words still make me laugh, but it was closer to reality than I wanted to admit. For...
Feb 12, 2024 | Character of God, Christian Life, Truth & Theology
Have you ever felt as if a sermon or Bible passage had been aimed directly at you? Imagine that you and a friend read or hear the same message that describes God’s love. Afterward, you go out for coffee or lunch and share your thoughts. How Would You Describe...
Dec 12, 2022 | Book and Movie Reviews, Evil & Satan & Sin, Fear & Doubt, Theology
The movie “Interview with God,” is centered on the life of Paul Asher, a young Christian journalist who begins to question his faith after spending time in war-torn Afghanistan. Paul receives an invitation to engage in three 30-minute interviews with God. Intrigued,...
Dec 1, 2022 | Character of God, Christian Life, Spiritual Growth
Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. It is especially fun when children are young. Who can resist the joy of seeing little loved ones’ faces light up as they discover the thrill of an exciting new toy? However, in today’s gadget-giddy world, when I...
Jun 13, 2022 | Christian Life, Evil & Satan & Sin
“We’re only human … that’s why we sin.” Think back on the past week. How many times have you heard these words? Once? Twice? Three times? The excuse seems so innocent, compassionate even, yet we must stop saying these words; they sting God’s ears....
Apr 11, 2022 | Character of God, Eternity & Heaven & Hell
Did you know you were created for Heaven? That when God fashioned the earth, sun, moon, and stars, He did it all with you in mind? In a moment of wonder, we can be in awe at God’s handiwork and of the one assurance that every part of your life has been...